Dauphin County February 20, 2023

Dauphin County, PA

Dauphin county, PA is a growing county in central Pennsylvania. 524.87 square miles (US Census Data) were taken from Lancaster county and incorparated on March 4, 1785 to form Dauphin county. (Dauphin County history) In 2010, the population was approximately 268,000 people and in 2020 has grown to 277,071 people . The median age is 39.6 and the median household income is $63,123 per year. Additionally, property values have been steadily increasing, the median property value is $175,700. Dauphin county borders the Susquehanna river and also houses our state capital, Harrisburg, PA.  All figures are from 2020, unless stated otherwise.   Dauphin County Population, Diversity, and Jobs